You’ve worked hard to earn your money, to build your assets and maybe your own business. You may feel like you’re too busy to think about it right now, but all that effort deserves to be protected for yourself and your heirs through intelligent, creative estate, trust and gift planning. It is the only way to provide security for your surviving spouse, to ensure the smooth transfer of your assets to your beneficiaries, and to reduce what otherwise could be a massive tax burden. If you own a business, its continued existence could depend on carefully considered succession planning.
Complex tax laws make it more important than ever to have the advice of knowledgeable, creative, trustworthy specialists as you consider your estate, gift and trust options. DMLO has a substantial practice in estates and trusts so we can help you find the best way to ensure that your heirs benefit from your hard work. We will work closely with your attorney and other advisors to provide you with the most cost-effective planning process.
Services offered:
- Estate tax returns
- Fiduciary income tax returns
- Gift tax returns
- Estate planning
- Other services, such as family limited partnership returns
To discuss your specific circumstances, you can reach out to Bea Rosenberg , Steve Custer or Chris Ward.